My Lil’ Hamlet

-Victor Ramsan
Yearning engulfs me as I recall my lil’ Hamlet,
Sadly veiled by (the dark) mountains and (the) gloomy skies;
Forbids me the last glimpse,
Reminiscing my only comfort wish!

Come rainy days the more I longed,
Though the rains pour down unceasingly;
Serenity, all around in the village lane,
How I miss my lil’ Hamlet!

Come winter, the more intense is the feeling,
How we warmed ourselves around the fire pit;
I remember vividly the loving faces of our village folks!

Stamped in my heart is our T.M Hall
Lovelier is our village’s “lovely mount”
How long, oh how long; will I grief?
To be back in my lil’ Hamlet called my Motherland?