Cry Of A Dying River...84

Rajendra Kshetri

I am no longer the river I was once
The river whose time has come
To ask to speak to question
"Am I happy to see multitude of Nambul enthusiasts
Do I sense an air rejuvenation along the riverine ecosystem
Could I trust the project implementors to deliver
Could I afford to feel a certain sense of certainty
That 'money' will be utilised judiciously
For the purpose for which it was sanctioned
Is there an independent body/committee to monitor???"

I am no longer the river I was once
The river that couldn't help asking
"A government project executed by the government
To be monitored/evaluated by the government ?"
The river that has lived a thousand moons
Long enough to witness the vast gap
The gap between intention and execution
Long enough to witness the damage done to Loktak
The river that doesn't want to tell a tale
A tale of 'gloom and doom' .