Cry Of A Dying River...88

Rajendra Kshetri

I am no longer the river I was once
The river that cries for BABYSANA
A 'Living Moon' of her Parents
A 'Purest Soul' of thirteen
A 'Sinless Soul' sinned by
The lowest scum(s) on earth
A 'Spotless Soul' snatched away mercilessly
The river that implores...

I am no longer the river I was once
The river that has lost everything but her CONSCIENCE
The river that flows in the valley of 'powers-that-be '
Powerful people who has everything but CONSCIENCE
The river that makes no pretension as 'Conscience Keeper '
Let it not be said though
That here flows a river- Speaking River 
"Are We Living In A House Of Judiciary
Where There Is No Justice!!
Was Babysana Not A Girl-child Of The Law Of This Land"???