Gas Balloons

-K Radhakumar
Today is Anita’s 13th birthday.
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to you!
The birthday celebrations is held
In the family drawing room
And the room is decorated with
Flowers and neon bulbs
And brightly coloured gas balloons.
Balloons of different colours
Red orange green white yellow
Balloons of the colour of the sky –
The room is a mass of colour.
Anita’s friends, boys and girls
Dressed in their best clothes
Do smile away care,
Give birthday presents and wish her
A happy birthday.
I wish every day were a lovely day
Like today’s colourful afternoon
Spreading out as proud as
A peacock’s tail feathers.
A red-coloured balloon bursts
With a loud pop
Far ahead of time
Before the candles are lit
And the cream cake is sliced.
Another, this time a blue-coloured balloon
Follows suit.
A balloon is significantly different from another –
One is weak, poor soul
Another a brave soul.
Their evenings are also different
Some are blessed with long evenings
Others with not long ones.
After the ceremony
Anita and her friends
Release all the balloons
Into the darkling Friday evening.
They fly in different directions
And many birds are seen returning home.