A garden treat

Kamal Baruah
Contd from previous issue
Wages are determined through collective bargaining under the Plantation Labour Act (PLA).
They inherited jobs as permanent worker from one generation to the other. By the time, we’re briefed a lucid account of tea garden; the next call was ready for lunch.
The platters and bowls were placed for the formal meal by two serving boys that perfectly followed the mnemonic BMW. Bread and butter placed at the left, the serving plate/meal in the center and the glass of water on the right. T
hey’re illiterate but do serve well remembering left has four (fork), and right has five (knife and spoon). They’re no professional cook but they cheffed in the cookhouse year after year in predisposition.
The banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal especially the rajma curry was so delicious. Dishes are staked after forks placed below knife diagonally across plates.
As the sun goes down the horizon; bagani workers take a break from daily schedule.
We also turned up dressed after coffee for return before darkness fell. The rhythm of chah baganer Jhumur nach (Jhumur dance of tea garden) had already begun as the young girls clasped tightly each other’s waist, while holding the precision of footwork.
The broad red borders of sarees looked simple yet colourful.
As we drove past we’re met with a cacophony of animal sounds. We cowered in fear as herd of elephants moved close to us. The tea folks’ Jhumur had been so enthralled by the steady periodic resonances that we hardly felt dread in that garden treat.