Another Perspective of Life

Chinglembi Shagolsem
  In the journey of so called life,
  There will be days when you have no idea
  What you are doing.
 And there will be days, when you will feel alive and happy
 For your achievements and receive the good news from
 Your family and dear ones.
Me as a wanderer in the journey of life
I considered myself normal when I felt less productive
 Because over the years, I have learnt that life is not a race,
Rather, it’s a beautiful gift from god.
 So I don’t want to slip and waste my tenure of life
 With tension, worries and anxiety so on..
Take rest when u tire
With friends, family and with close ones.
 But when you re-establish yourself with love and affections from them
Make a promise to yourself,
That “My’’dreams, ambitions and purpose in life should
Not be left and undone.