Design, Build and Preservation : An innovative bamboo treatment for industrial building useGrow your future with bamboo

Dr Jean-Luc Kouyoumji, Dr Eric Heisel, Luis Lopez
Contd from previous issue

Material and documentation transferred
• Treatment procedure
• Security and safety procedure
• Drawing for step-by-step treatment procedure
• Quality control procedure with specific points to be controlled
• Quality label for treated bamboo, “BSInnovations bamboo treatment”. Marking
Association Bambou Sciences et Innovations // Bamboo Sciences and Innovations Research Centre SIRET : 530 846 468 00011 --- APE : 7219Z (08/08/2007) 14 rue André Messager, 33 520 Bruges, France Tél. +33 952 52 36 38; Cel. +33 6 08 74 36 38, [email protected]
Three years work was necessary to set the process of bamboo treatment with the right preservative. The process is fully innovative for bamboo treatment and is recognized now by the market to be efficient and safe for the human and its environment.
This treatment process is ready to be transferred to other interested builders.
The transfer method relies on a partnership with BSInnovations that will help for design, help to implement, train the workers, run the treatment facility, test the treated product, then endorse the efficiency and the quality treatment.
The Authors would like to acknowledge the Hilti Foundation, for their inspiration and financial support. As well as Base Bahay for experimenting the implementation of 5 sites for treatment and for giving feedback needed for enhancement of the treatment process.