The beast inside

Adison Moirangthem
Men have now shielded with Knight’s armour.
Once shed tears of blood,
when caught in the quagmire of poverty.
Made everyone smile with a hope
by their philanthropic.
But worsen by their sugar coated humanity.
No one knows first, later revealed
thy backstage scenes.
It was but a stupid, selfish chameleon act.
Oppressed becoming Oppressor.

Oh! That’s fool.
I shall now compare them as a donkey,
when men have come out of fire.
Shielded, shielded, shielded.
No more humanitarian drama.
This is the 21st century.
No town dwellers, No rustic.
Everyone knows the way of the World.
Men are now ‘Master of A-Z’.
Shielded, protected from genuine fake.

A very worrisome fashion.
Oppression in the name of humanity.
Stop it.
Perhaps the way of the World too.
Adieu to Sugar coated ‘Plutonium brotherhood’.
Shielded, shielded, shielded.