Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development in NE region

Prof Ratan Kumar Saha
Contd from previous issue
· Your objective should include a time limit. Ex: I will complete this step by month/day/year.
· I will establish a sense of urgency and prompt you to have better time management.
2.2 Strategic ‘Smart Interventions’
As fish forms one of the essential food items of the majority of the people in the state, it is the responsibility of the state Govt. to meet the demand of the fish. So, for achieving the estimated requirement, it has become inevitable to develop and expand the culture activities properly in all the available fishery resources and to ensure effective exploitation with proper monitoring. Further, geophysical conditions limit the horizontal expansion of cultivable land and water bodies.
Therefore, this is only possible through the formulation of the following short, medium and long-term strategic smart interventions for overall development in the present fisheries and aqua-culture scenario of the State:
2.1.1 Short-term smart interventions
1. Implementation of Women-led Aquafarming Projects in Manipur: There are huge work opportunities for women in aquaculture for increasing fish production. The objectives of the project to start the homestead farms, then identifying specific problems such as the selection of species that can grow well in shaded ponds. With the ponds close to the home, women can easily access these resources, have a say over their use and take on roles like fish feeding, monitoring growth rates, regular harvesting for consumption and demonstrating techniques to others in the community.
2. Horizontal Expansion of Composite Fish culture Farms: Spread of six species Carp culture (3- 5 tonnes/ha/year) with the inclusion of appropriate high-value fishes like Pengba (Osteo-bramabeangeri), Khabak (Bangana sp.), Pabda, Prawn, Japanese puthi, Tilapiaof local demand.
3. Adoption of Climate-smart Integrated Farming System (IFS) Models : Location-specific climate- smart integrated fish-based farming system models must be practiced to sustain the farm income as well as doubling the farm income by 2022 (To be contd)