
M Minakshi Devi

Ambling by the rushing river ,
Locking the hands of their hearts.
Drawing closer to the Full Moon,
Embarking the yarn of a new life.

Unfurling blissful wishes onto the waves
That reflect the blue with the hint of blush.
Dancing in glee leaves afloated with the wind whistling ,
Synching with their graceful moves.

The birds too clapped their wings and sings
As they canoed past love’s stream
And hiked the fairy future
They dreamt of but never touched.

The warm comfort blew bubbles on to their spines,
Making the cold quiver afar.
Singing hymns of eternal love with wordless melody,
But rather random vocals knitted together
Into beautiful whimsical music.

All these mystical moments prior to opening of their eyes.
To the mischief of a strange sheer,
Waking up following a deep slumber.
All the chemistry now fades,
Witnessing all the distance in between.