The Living Song

Shanthalembi Lisam 
In these churning days
The sight of the birds
Which once used to flock
On these wetlands,  
Gently fondles my soul
Arousing the spirit to life
Enlivens this flesh
Come ye! All yelhoumee
To sing our beloved song
Sana leibak Manipur!

Let these streams and lakes
On the lap of our epudhou ebendhou
Fill with warmth and love of nature
Let the mountains clad in greens
Let all children play in the
Arms of the blue mountains,
Under the turquoise sky
Come ye! All mortals on this land
To sing again with vivify drums  
Sana leibak Manipur!
How then would our spring sprout  
If we leave our tune and rhythm?
Defying the mouth of the rots and bruises
Let it sprout and grow tall on the fertile soil
Of the defeated ploys of the poison
The sights of these birds that once flocked
Is the reckoning of the echoing drums
In this wide hills and the vales of epu eben
In heaven and earth, once again we sing our song  
Sana leibak Manipur!