Cry Of A Dying River...83

-Rajendra Kshetri

I am no longer the river I was once
The river that has been for decades
In the silent mode and moody moods
The melancholic mood that defines the river
The river that is much in the news now
"Nambul must be saved from further pollution
Nambul must be preserved and protected
Nambul must be rejuvenated "
The river that is FLOODED with/by 'Saviours '
Oh Ibudhou Wangbren! Will history repeat itself!!!

I am no longer the river I was once
The river that never speaks up in this 'land of Khadaangs '
Let alone protest in the land of protesters
The river that would rather die a slow death
Than speak to people who care a hoot for environment
People who are least concerned about/for environmental degradation
People who are Past masters of lending lip service
People who leave no stone unturned
To be photographed with a spade in hands
Alongside the river banks and basins.