Cry Of A Dying River...90

Rajendra Kshetri

I am no longer the river I was once
The river rooted in the ancient civilization of Kangleipak
The river that had been nurtured and protected
All along its timeless journey to eternity
An eco-friendly journey of nature and environment
The river that imbibes the intrinsic values
Social 'mores ' and 'norms ' of reverence for trees and plants
The river that never witnessed the'natural-social ' conflict now in vogue
How fortunate and privileged this river was
To have ever flowed through "this singular oasis of comparative civilization "!

I am no longer the river I was once
The rueful river that laments
The loss of cultural heritage of the land and its people
That age-old tradition of preserving mangroves
That indigenous culture of obeisance to Mother Nature
The river that once flowed in a natural world
A world of environment where wildlife flora and fauna
Mountains lakes and rivers were all at peace
The river that now flows in a world of 'modernisation '
Consigned to the 'prison of development '.