MUA informs
The UIPO (Khoibu) Maruo Koukartou (UMK), the apex body of UIPO (Khoibu community) was 'fined' one Mithun and one Tulkhang (pot of wine) on August 28 at Tuishimi village as per the customary law of Maring tribe for displaying the Maring traditional shawl "Khuingallu" at the freshers' meet organised by UIPO Pawrwaa Koutun (UPK) Delhi on August 25. The display of the Maring tribe shawl had 'violated' singed 'Joint Agreement of July 31, 2019 and 'Maring-UIPO concordance on August 8, 2019,' claimed a statement of Maring Uparap Assembly today.
The UIPO Maruo Koukartou 'accepted' responsibility for the 'violation' of the joint agreement as has tendered 'apology with customary fine', claimed the statement.