Taking the blame is better than excuses

03 Oct 2020 22:58:38
Dr Sumedha Kushwaha
Excuse is not the way to think when you set your eye on something. When you aim at it, complete it fully. There will be trials and tribulations. There will be onlookers and bystanders in the process poking their noses and pointing fingers at you. The path will be treacherous, the weather will be windy, but stay at it no matter what.
When they say there is always light at the end of the tunnel. They also mean that you will have to go through the darkness and horror of the entire journey to see bliss. But the key is to understand how to enjoy the journey.
Whatever is happening in your life, happens for a reason. All the situations you are in now, right at this moment will lead to another event.
Because, when you will finally see light, you will be able to join the dots in the entire spectrum of things that each hardship, each disease that you had, each person that you met, each smile you shared in all circumstances is not just like that.
This is all planned in the grand plan, this will lead to somewhere. You are a sum of the choices that you have made till now.
So, to make your life better, you will have to make some hard choices- be it leaving your parents behind to stay in another town and pursuing your studies or waking up nights and nights to make your business work or putting extra money to hone a skill by enrolling in a course.
If you are that someone who wants to forge ahead and reach the top, you will have to make choices today. Pushing yourself a little harder to do extra. This might seem a futile effort today but as a doctor I know that there are billions of cells working in the body and if any one of them thinks that my purpose is so small, I will not work today- the entire system is bound to collapse.
I believe, it is not about the big things, it is about doing the small things right but keeping an eye on the correct big thing.
Making excuses is the easiest, blame your genes, your parents, your teachers, friends, circumstances.. the list is endless.
But at the end of the day, it is our own life. The gate to personal freedom opens inside and most of us try to find excuses outside. My favourite author Dr. Wayne Dyer states in his book Excuses Begone “When you abandon making choices, you enter the vast world of excuses”.
Conclusively, its better to take the blame for making bad decision for yourself rather than putting the blame of various excuses on others.
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