The Plight Beyond the Contagion

23 Aug 2020 00:22:12
Dr Ranbir Laishram
In the vast realm of  maladies “and chaos...
Of the 'Covid19' lockdown
Unware and unconcerned to many
Underneath the surface
Lies a company of souls
With tears of fear and pathos
Waiting desolately for the healer's touch
Are we doing justice to this bunch ??

Distrust to be a 'contagion' everywhere
Dispel and repudiate access to care
Many a soul left for heavenly abode,
Untimely to nobody's concern.
With  timely healing touch
Many could have been still with us !
What offense they have done ??
Is it destiny or karma ?
Are we doing justice to these souls ??

Covid 19 pandemic “A menace to humanity
One soul's demise with the 'contagion'
An unforeseen misery, all hue and cry...
But another without it,
A natural death, destined to be...
Critical is the Covid19 containment
Can we shun these weary souls?
For,they are also humans.
A cognizance,coming too late...
At a time so bleak
The belated echoes, may be unbearable...
Somewhere,someone ask
Whose responsibility is it ??

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