Cleanliness drive conducted

A cleanliness drive was carried out today around RD Wing Complex of Lamphel and on the roadside of the Wing under the initiative of Health and IPR Minister, Dr Sapam Ranjan Singh.
Additional Chief Secretary, V. Vumlunmang, IAS; Director of Health Services Manipur, Shasheekumar Mangang; Project Director of Manipur State AIDS Control Society, Rosita Haobam; Director of National Health Mission, Manipur, officials from Health Department and personnel of Lamphel Police Station were among those who joined the cleanliness drive which started in early morning.
During the interaction with the media, Dr Sapam Ranjan said that the cleanliness drive is conducted with the objective to replace the dirty and ugly site with a neat and clean look. The bushes at the site has been cleared and new and valuable plants have been planted. A herbal garden will be developed at the site soon, he added.
The Minister maintained that besides giving a bad look, throwing of garbage at the improper sites will cause health hazard.
He appealed to all to avoid the habit of dumping garbage at improper sites. Instead we should cultivate the habit of keeping our surroundings neat and clean, he added.
Later a team led by Dr S Ranjan also inspected the existing office building of Manipur State AIDS Control Society, store rooms in RD Wing, drainage system and other buildings in the campus.