The ground zero of gratitude

25 Sep 2022 23:42:25
Birkarnelzelzit Thiyam
To the world which never sleeps, so consumed in the passion of creation- to the youth with a constant chatter of mind and explicit need to demonstrate on social media what your life lacks and doesn't look- to the children on the laps of their mothers, listening to lullabies and being cradled to sleep- to the elderly, who sit at home trying to gain the attention of their children and spending good time with their grandchildren-to all of you there is only request- say thank you often.
Thank you is a very underrated word. When children are taught the 3 magic words in school-Thank you, Please and Sorry we oftentimes don't understand the underlying power of that lesson in life. But as we grow up, we realize that life becomes easier, more melodious, brighter and full of love with the usage of these words as frequently as possible.
The attitude of gratitude is indispensable and an absolute requisite to live a jovial and gleeful life. Have you ever faced a situation when you go out of your way to do something for someone and that person doesn't care at all. It is disheartening when your feelings are not reciprocated with acknowledgement and appreciation.
So, think of all people who are kind and considerate to you each day-from the security guard who opens the office gate, to the traffic policeman who stands in 40 degrees heat to manage traffic, to your parents who love you unconditionally, friends with whom you share your darkest and silliest secrets, to your children who bring in colours to your life, to your house helper who makes your life easy, to the guy who cleans your car and to your office colleagues. All these ordinary beings without fail each day add value to your life. But it is all about the attitude-whether we find faults in their deeds or be considerate enough to thank them for all they do.
Sometimes that thank you from someone makes all the difference in life. When someone takes out time to appreciate you for what you have done for them, in a single moment, they buy your loyalty and trust. It's a simple and small gesture which can be so appealing and alluring that it can turn complete strangers into lifelong pals.
Above all, let’s not forget to thank ourselves for not giving up on ourselves. Thank yourself for hanging on while rushing through the tough times. And please be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. Because the smallest thanks is always worth more than the effort it takes to give it. As we all know, no one is poorer than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy. Gratitude is very contagious, spread it as much as you can.
Spread kindness with your words, actions and deeds the coming week and see for yourself how God bestows upon you with grace. Listen readers, if you have a pen with you right now, take it out - write all the names of those you can remember that helped you in making who you are today. Pick up the phone and dial them one by one. All you have to say is nothing, “Hello, Thank you so much for whatever small or big you have done for me.” Yes, some might think you are going crazy because of lockdown but trust me - it will change the way you see things. It will open new windows in your life that will allow you to see the other side of things, you will start learning how to put yourself in others' shoes. You know what, I wanna thank The Sangai Express for giving me a space and I wanna thank you for even reading my piece till this last word.
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