Comfort Zone and Days of Yore

30 Apr 2023 01:11:41
Dr Ranbir Laishram
Looking back the days of yore,
Where - Amidst a fulfilling life,
Greeneries and adequacy all around,
Peace and harmony among natives,
We all dwelled in a world of simplicity,
Under the care and guidance of the elders,
Secure and pleasant;
A life in a comfort zone.
As I age in my life's journey,
Coming out of the bubble of comfort zone,
I ventured into a world of my dream,
To achieve new goals.
The mindset gradually shifted to new adventures,
Faced  the hurdles and obstacles on the path.
Now, the foregone stories are a treasure.
I never thought life would be so tough and challenging.
The ups and downs of life, the music behind,
The echoes of the realities of life,
Dwell in my heart like a heritage.
Having endured the harsh realities of life,
In comfort,discomfort and growth zones,
I now realize --
A life, stuck up in safe-haven long enough, loses its true meaning.
Only when one steps out of the comfort zone,engages with  human  experiences,
Takes risk, and embraces some adversity,
Life begins to change, grow and transform ...
That is the only way to achieve new goals in life.

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