Mother to all

30 Apr 2023 01:11:06
Leishemba Loushambam
Mother to me;
Mother to other 8’ billions.
From grassy plains to Blue skies;
Over the hills, Down the oceans.
As sons and daughter of you, dearest;
We, as together acquisitively reside on your lap.

Ah! How merciless your children are!
Endeavoring to wreck off your incompatible beauty.

Despite wars and hatred;
How peaceful Earth will be,
Only if we learn to love each other as brothers of the same mother.
Civilised Men with Machinery hearts;
Civilised Women with Tentative minds,
How dare you start a war with your own brothers.

Where’s the brotherhood? Ask the mars.
The act of Possession and sketchin’ of Borders
Demolish it, Replied the earth.
Oh pity earth, only if u could take my words;
And Remain inhabitable.

Protect the earth, our mother;
Make it greeny and lively again,
And a great place to be alive.
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