Students’ Front questions Amit Shah’s silence

By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Sep 30 : The COCOMI Students’ Front has questioned the silence of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, DGP Rajiv Singh and Security Advisor  Kuldiep Singh if the report that Kuki militants are demanding release of Mark T Haokip in exchange of the two youths being held captive by them is true.
The vulnerability of people to abduction despite the presence of a huge number of security forces and the authority’s failure to take up any action to trace and rescue the victims have testified how unsafe citizens are in Manipur, said a press release issued by the COCOMI Students’ Front.
It is a proof of how the Government of India has been taking sides of Kuki militants while abandoning the Meitei people completely, it alleged.
Asserting that the Security Advisor and the DGP should be held accountable if any tragedy strikes the two hostages, the Students’ Front said that the security measures taken up by Kuldiep Singh and Rajiv Singh since they took over are far from satisfactory.
Asserting that the two have failed miserably to bring any kind of improvement in the State’s security situation, the students’ front asked how long the Government will overlook their incompetence.
Further asking how long the State Government will remain inert even when the situation has deteriorated to such a critical stage, it said that the State Government’s inability to protect citizens,  fight acts of terrorism unleashed by Kuki narco-terrorists and stand up against the Government of India is only fanning people’s ire.