Delhi’s stand after 1 year of clash Tragically amazing

It is ‘tragically amazing’ that even after more than a year since the clash between the Meiteis and the Kuki-Zos erupted in all its ugliness on May 3, 2023, New Delhi continues to toe the line that the ‘Government would need to resolve the differences between the two communities through dialogue and empathy.’ Over 200 people have been killed, numerous houses pulled down and levelled to the ground, over 60,000 people still surviving in relief centres across the length and breadth of the State, over 30 still missing with no indication that their bodies would be recovered, buffer zones created to draw the line where the boxed in Meiteis can move, and even as the clash has crossed the 365 days, Union Home Minister Amit Shah continues to stick to the line that the Government would need to resolve the differences between the two ethnic groups. Amazing is the word that comes mind, but qualify that with the word ‘tragically’ for there is tragedy written in all the cases of deaths, houses dismantled, buffer zones criss crossing the State indicating the no entry zones for either community, many still missing and here is the Union Home Minister sticking to the line that the Government would need to resolve the differences between the two sides. An indication that nothing noteworthy has been done in the last 365 days or an indication that the Government would take up a new approach ? New Delhi knows that the Peace Committee which was formed during the initial days of the clash has been a non starter and this being the case why was no initiative taken to set up a new Committee or rejig the previous one ? Only Delhi can answer this question, but mark this, the inaction of the Centre is a prominent contributory factor for the clash to prolong for such a long time. “It will be our priority after elections that we hold discussions with both the sides and come up with an amicable solution” was another line maintained by the Honourable Union Home Minister, but this still does not answer the question of why no efforts were made to form a new Peace Committee to reach out to either side of the clash divide and talk things over in the last 365 days. Or is it a case of the Centre still boxing in the dark as far as the ongoing ethnic clash in Manipur is concerned ? A State located at the periphery of the country and does this ring a bell of the peripheral existence of Manipur in the consciousness of the political leaders of the country ?
The idea of Manipur being buffered into zones will also get clearer with just a look at the figure of the 8 Meitei men who crossed the naka post at Kanglatongbi just across Sekmai in the north still missing. So far Sekmai police have been able to stop 15 persons from crossing the naka post at Kanglatongbi, a move that ostensibly saved more addition to the list of missing persons. No one seems to know why anyone would want to cross the naka post, but the fact that attempts are being made to cross this point is more than clear with two more stopped and sent back home on May 9. Add the other case of a young man being detained at Senapati, after the crossing the naka post and it is providence that he managed to cross Motbung, Kangpokpi and other Kuki dominated places to reach Senapati. Courting tragedy, these are the words that come to mind and such misadventures can prove costly, very costly. This is the tragic reality  that one sees in Manipur and in as much as no Meitei can set foot in Kuki dominated areas, no Kuki-Zo individual will be able to arrive at Imphal and the other valley districts. Time for all elders of families and parents to caution their wards and children not to venture into areas which are deemed unsafe. Makes no sense to court disaster and tragedy during this time of intense conflict and add to the number of body bags and the list of missing persons.