Career opportunities and challenges as Air Hostess/Flight Steward

Vijay GarG
Contd from previous issue
Institutes offering Courses for Air Hostess/Flight Steward
Air Hostess Academy (AHA), Bangalore
Air Hostess Academy (AHA), Chandigarh
Frankfinn Institute of Air Hostess Training (FIAT), Mumbai
Kingfisher Training Academy, Mumbai
Air Hostess Job Description
The job of an Air Hostess/Flight Steward is not less important than the job of the Pilot of the plane itself. If it is the responsibility of a pilot to carry the passenger to their destination safely, then it is the responsibility of an Air Hostess to see the comfort of the passenger well above 10,000 meters above the ground level. This is not a less demanding task by any means. An Air hostess is the one who sees the well being and comfort of the passenger and that also in quick time. (To be contd)